Greta Bouvier, GB191015389A

An Improved Method of and Means for Fastening Ladies’ Blouses, Bodices and like Articles of Wearing Apparel.

Image credit: Bouvier, G. (1910)

On December 8, 1910, Greta Bouvier, an unemployed woman from Tadworth, Surrey, was awarded a patent for developing an innovative method to fasten women’s garments. The invention featured strips and busks that could be attached to the straps of blouses, making it easier to fasten the blouse around the middle of the back.

Date of Application: 27 June 1910

Date of Issuance: 8 December 1910

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Francesca Chiaradia
Francesca Chiaradia
PhD Student in Economics

My research interests include law and economics, economics of innovation, and information economics.